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Ways To Make A Twitter Profile With Tailwind CSS In 60 Minutes

Twitter Profile

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, and having an attractive and functional profile is essential for building your personal brand. In this article, we will explore how to create a Twitter profile using Tailwind CSS in just 60 minutes.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined classes to help you quickly build custom user interfaces. It allows you to create responsive designs and customize your styles without writing any CSS code. Tailwind CSS is gaining popularity among front-end developers because of its simplicity and flexibility.

The description of Twitter Profile ui component

A Twitter profile is a user's personal page on the platform. It contains information about the user, such as their name, bio, profile picture, and tweets. The Twitter profile UI component includes a header section, a profile picture, a bio section, a follower/following count section, and a tweet section.

Why use Tailwind CSS to create a Twitter Profile ui component?

Tailwind CSS provides a set of pre-defined classes that can be used to create a Twitter profile UI component quickly. It eliminates the need to write custom CSS code, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. Tailwind CSS also provides responsive design classes, making it easy to create a mobile-friendly profile.

The preview of Twitter Profile ui component.

To create a Twitter profile using Tailwind CSS, we will need to use the following classes:

  • bg-gray-800 - sets the background color of the header section to dark gray.
  • flex - sets the display property of the header section to flex.
  • justify-between - aligns the content of the header section to the left and right.
  • p-4 - adds padding to the header section.
  • text-white - sets the text color of the header section to white.
  • rounded-full - rounds the edges of the profile picture.
  • w-32 and h-32 - sets the width and height of the profile picture.
  • ml-4 - adds margin to the left of the profile picture.
  • font-bold - sets the font weight of the name to bold.
  • text-2xl - sets the font size of the name to 2xl.
  • mt-4 - adds margin to the top of the name.
  • text-gray-300 - sets the text color of the bio section to gray.
  • text-lg - sets the font size of the bio section to lg.
  • mt-2 - adds margin to the top of the bio section.
  • flex - sets the display property of the follower/following count section to flex.
  • items-center - aligns the content of the follower/following count section to the center.
  • text-gray-400 - sets the text color of the follower/following count section to gray.
  • ml-6 - adds margin to the left of the follower/following count section.
  • text-xl - sets the font size of the follower/following count section to xl.
  • mt-6 - adds margin to the top of the tweet section.
  • border-t - adds a top border to the tweet section.
  • border-gray-600 - sets the color of the top border to gray.
  • py-4 - adds padding to the tweet section.
  • text-gray-400 - sets the text color of the tweet section to gray.
  • text-lg - sets the font size of the tweet section to lg.

Free download of the Twitter Profile's source code

The source code of Twitter Profile ui component.

To create a Twitter profile using Tailwind CSS, we will need to write the following HTML code:

<div class="p-relative h-screen" style="background-color: #15202b;">
        <div class="flex justify-center">

            <header class="text-white h-12 py-4 h-auto">
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            <h2 class="mb-0 text-xl font-bold text-white">ℜ𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔬ℜ𝔦𝔟𝔢𝔦𝔯𝔬.dev</h2>
            <p class="mb-0 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">9,416 Tweets</p>

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                <h2 class="text-xl leading-6 font-bold text-white">ℜ𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔬ℜ𝔦𝔟𝔢𝔦𝔯𝔬.dev</h2>
                <p class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-600">@Ricardo_oRibeir</p>
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                <p class="text-white leading-tight mb-2">Software Engineer / Designer / Entrepreneur <br>Visit my website to test a working <b>Twitter Clone.</b> </p>
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                        Sonali Hirave
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                            @ShonaDesign  . 16 April

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            Day 07 of the challenge <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#100DaysOfCode</a>
            I was wondering what I can do with <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#tailwindcss</a>, so just started building
            Twitter UI using Tailwind and so far it looks so promising. I will post my code after completion.
            <a href="#" class="text-blue-400"> #WomenWhoCode #CodeNewbie</a>

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              14 k
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                        Sonali Hirave
                        <span class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-300 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
                            @ShonaDesign  . 16 April

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        <p class="text-base width-auto font-medium text-white flex-shrink">
            Day 07 of the challenge <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#100DaysOfCode</a>
            I was wondering what I can do with <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#tailwindcss</a>, so just started building
            Twitter UI using Tailwind and so far it looks so promising. I will post my code after completion.
            <a href="#" class="text-blue-400"> #WomenWhoCode #CodeNewbie</a>

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              12.3 k
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              14 k
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              14 k
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                  <path d="M19.708 21.944H4.292C3.028 21.944 2 20.916 2 19.652V14c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v5.652c0 .437.355.792.792.792h15.416c.437 0 .792-.355.792-.792V14c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v5.652c0 1.264-1.028 2.292-2.292 2.292z"></path>

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                        Sonali Hirave
                        <span class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-300 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
                            @ShonaDesign  . 16 April

    <div class="pl-16">
        <p class="text-base width-auto font-medium text-white flex-shrink">
            Day 07 of the challenge <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#100DaysOfCode</a>
            I was wondering what I can do with <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#tailwindcss</a>, so just started building
            Twitter UI using Tailwind and so far it looks so promising. I will post my code after completion.
            <a href="#" class="text-blue-400"> #WomenWhoCode #CodeNewbie</a>

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                  <path d="M14.046 2.242l-4.148-.01h-.002c-4.374 0-7.8 3.427-7.8 7.802 0 4.098 3.186 7.206 7.465 7.37v3.828c0 . 0 .277-.038.402-.118.264-.168 6.473-4.14 8.088-5.506 1.902-1.61 3.04-3.97 3.043-6.312v-.017c-.006-4.367-3.43-7.787-7.8-7.788zm3.787 12.972c-1.134.96-4.862 3.405-6.772 4.643V16.67c0-.414-.335-.75-.75-.75h-.396c-3.66 0-6.318-2.476-6.318-5.886 0-3.534 2.768-6.302 6.3-6.302l4.147.01h.002c3.532 0 6.3 2.766 6.302 6.296-.003 1.91-.942 3.844-2.514 5.176z"></path>
              12.3 k
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              <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" class="w-5 h-5 mr-2">
                  <path d="M23.77 15.67c-.292-.293-.767-.293-1.06 0l-2.22 2.22V7.65c0-2.068-1.683-3.75-3.75-3.75h-5.85c-.414 0-.75.336-.75.75s.336.75.75.75h5.85c1.24 0 2.25 1.01 2.25 2.25v10.24l-2.22-2.22c-.293-.293-.768-.293-1.06 0s-.294.768 0 1.06l3.5 3.5c.145.147.337.22.53.22s.383-.072.53-.22l3.5-3.5c.294-.292.294-.767 0-1.06zm-10.66 3.28H7.26c-1.24 0-2.25-1.01-2.25-2.25V6.46l2.22 2.22c. 0-1.06l-3.5-3.5c-.293-.294-.768-.294-1.06 0l-3.5 3.5c-.294.292-.294.767 0 1.06s.767.293 1.06 0l2.22-2.22V16.7c0 2.068 1.683 3.75 3.75 3.75h5.85c.414 0 .75-.336.75-.75s-.337-.75-.75-.75z"></path>
              14 k
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                  <path d="M12 21.638h-.014C9.403 21.59 1.95 14.856 1.95 8.478c0-3.064 2.525-5.754 5.403-5.754 2.29 0 3.83 1.58 4.646 2.73.814-1.148 2.354-2.73 4.645-2.73 2.88 0 5.404 2.69 5.404 5.755 0 6.376-7.454 13.11-10.037 13.157H12zM7.354 4.225c-2.08 0-3.903 1.988-3.903 4.255 0 5.74 7.034 11.596 8.55 11.658 1.518-.062 8.55-5.917 8.55-11.658 0-2.267-1.823-4.255-3.903-4.255-2.528 0-3.94 2.936-3.952 2.965-.23.562-1.156.562-1.387 0-.014-.03-1.425-2.965-3.954-2.965z"></path>
              14 k
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                  <path d="M19.708 21.944H4.292C3.028 21.944 2 20.916 2 19.652V14c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v5.652c0 .437.355.792.792.792h15.416c.437 0 .792-.355.792-.792V14c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v5.652c0 1.264-1.028 2.292-2.292 2.292z"></path>

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                        Sonali Hirave
                        <span class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-300 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
                            @ShonaDesign  . 16 April

    <div class="pl-16">
        <p class="text-base width-auto font-medium text-white flex-shrink">
            Day 07 of the challenge <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#100DaysOfCode</a>
            I was wondering what I can do with <a href="#" class="text-blue-400">#tailwindcss</a>, so just started building
            Twitter UI using Tailwind and so far it looks so promising. I will post my code after completion.
            <a href="#" class="text-blue-400"> #WomenWhoCode #CodeNewbie</a>

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              12.3 k
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              14 k
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              14 k
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            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mb-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">5,466 Tweets</p>

        <div class="flex-1 px-4 py-2 m-2">
            <a href="" class=" text-2xl rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-800 hover:text-blue-300 float-right">
                <svg class="m-2 h-5 w-5" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                    <path d="M19 9l-7 7-7-7"></path>
    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--second trending tweet-->

    <div class="flex">
        <div class="flex-1">
            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mt-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">2 . Politics . Trending</p>
            <h2 class="px-4 ml-2 w-48 font-bold text-white">#HI-Fashion</h2>
            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mb-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">8,464 Tweets</p>

        <div class="flex-1 px-4 py-2 m-2">
            <a href="" class=" text-2xl rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-800 hover:text-blue-300 float-right">
                <svg class="m-2 h-5 w-5" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                    <path d="M19 9l-7 7-7-7"></path>
    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--third trending tweet-->

    <div class="flex">
        <div class="flex-1">
            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mt-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">3 . Rock . Trending</p>
            <h2 class="px-4 ml-2 w-48 font-bold text-white">#Ferrari</h2>
            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mb-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">5,586 Tweets</p>

        <div class="flex-1 px-4 py-2 m-2">
            <a href="" class=" text-2xl rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-800 hover:text-blue-300 float-right">
                <svg class="m-2 h-5 w-5" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                    <path d="M19 9l-7 7-7-7"></path>
    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--forth trending tweet-->

    <div class="flex">
        <div class="flex-1">
            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mt-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">4 . Auto Racing . Trending</p>
            <h2 class="px-4 ml-2 w-48 font-bold text-white">#vettel</h2>
            <p class="px-4 ml-2 mb-3 w-48 text-xs text-gray-400">9,416 Tweets</p>

        <div class="flex-1 px-4 py-2 m-2">
            <a href="" class=" text-2xl rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-800 hover:text-blue-300 float-right">
                <svg class="m-2 h-5 w-5" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                    <path d="M19 9l-7 7-7-7"></path>
    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--show more-->

    <div class="flex">
        <div class="flex-1 p-4">
            <h2 class="px-4 ml-2 w-48 font-bold text-blue-400">Show more</h2>

        <!--people suggetion to follow section-->
<div class="max-w-sm rounded-lg  bg-dim-700 overflow-hidden shadow-lg m-4">
    <div class="flex">
        <div class="flex-1 m-2">
            <h2 class="px-4 py-2 text-xl w-48 font-semibold text-white">Who to follow</h2>

    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--first person who to follow-->

    <div class="flex flex-shrink-0">
        <div class="flex-1 ">
            <div class="flex items-center w-48">
                    <img class="inline-block h-10 w-auto rounded-full ml-4 mt-2" src="" alt="">
                <div class="ml-3 mt-3">
                    <p class="text-base leading-6 font-medium text-white">
                        Sonali Hirave
                    <p class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-300 transition ease-in-out duration-150">

        <div class="flex-1 px-4 py-2 m-2">
            <a href="" class=" float-right">
                <button class="bg-transparent hover:bg-gray-800 text-white font-semibold hover:text-white py-2 px-4 border border-white hover:border-transparent rounded-full">

    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--second person who to follow-->

    <div class="flex flex-shrink-0">
        <div class="flex-1 ">
            <div class="flex items-center w-48">
                    <img class="inline-block h-10 w-auto rounded-full ml-4 mt-2" src="" alt="">
                <div class="ml-3 mt-3">
                    <p class="text-base leading-6 font-medium text-white">
                        Sonali Hirave
                    <p class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-300 transition ease-in-out duration-150">

        <div class="flex-1 px-4 py-2 m-2">
            <a href="" class=" float-right">
                <button class="bg-transparent hover:bg-gray-800 text-white font-semibold hover:text-white py-2 px-4 border border-white hover:border-transparent rounded-full">


    <hr class="border-gray-800">

    <!--show more-->

    <div class="flex">
        <div class="flex-1 p-4">
            <h2 class="px-4 ml-2 w-48 font-bold text-blue-400">Show more</h2>


        <div class="flow-root m-6 inline">
            <div class="flex-1">
                <a href="#">
                    <p class="text-sm leading-6 font-medium text-gray-500">Terms Privacy Policy Cookies Imprint Ads info
            <div class="flex-2">
                <p class="text-sm leading-6 font-medium text-gray-600"> © 2020 Twitter, Inc.</p>



    .overflow-y-auto::-webkit-scrollbar, .overflow-y-scroll::-webkit-scrollbar, .overflow-x-auto::-webkit-scrollbar, .overflow-x::-webkit-scrollbar, .overflow-x-scroll::-webkit-scrollbar, .overflow-y::-webkit-scrollbar, body::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;

/* Hide scrollbar for IE, Edge and Firefox */
.overflow-y-auto, .overflow-y-scroll, .overflow-x-auto, .overflow-x, .overflow-x-scroll, .overflow-y, body {
  -ms-overflow-style: none;
  /* IE and Edge */
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  /* Firefox */

.bg-dim-700 {
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  background-color: #192734;

html, body {
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svg.paint-icon {
  fill: currentcolor;


How to create a Twitter Profile with Tailwind CSS?

Now that we have the necessary classes and HTML code, let's start building our Twitter profile.

  1. First, we need to create a new HTML file and include the necessary CSS and JavaScript files. We can use the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Twitter Profile</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/tailwind.min.css" />
    <!-- Twitter Profile HTML code goes here -->
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/alpine.js"></script>
  1. Next, we need to add the header section to our HTML code. We can use the following code:
<header class="bg-gray-800 flex justify-between p-4">
    <h1 class="text-white font-bold text-2xl">Your Name</h1>
    <p class="text-gray-300 text-lg mt-2">Your Bio</p>
  <img class="rounded-full w-32 h-32 ml-4" src="" alt="Profile Picture" />
  1. After that, we need to add the follower/following count section to our HTML code. We can use the following code:
<div class="flex items-center mt-6">
  <p class="text-gray-400 text-xl">Followers</p>
  <p class="text-gray-400 text-xl ml-6">Following</p>
  1. Finally, we need to add the tweet section to our HTML code. We can use the following code:
<section class="border-t border-gray-600 py-4">
  <p class="text-gray-400 text-lg">Your latest tweet goes here.</p>
  1. Once we have added all the necessary HTML code, we can open our HTML file in a web browser and see the Twitter profile UI component that we have created.


In this article, we have explored how to create a Twitter profile using Tailwind CSS in just 60 minutes. We have discussed the benefits of using Tailwind CSS and provided the necessary classes and HTML code to create a Twitter profile UI component. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a beautiful and functional Twitter profile that will help you build your personal brand.