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Ultimate Guide: Build A Instagram Clone With Tailwind CSS

Instagram clone

Are you looking to build a stunning Instagram clone using Tailwind CSS? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the entire process of building an Instagram clone with Tailwind CSS.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to quickly build custom user interfaces. It provides a set of pre-defined CSS classes that you can use to style your HTML elements. With Tailwind CSS, you can create complex layouts and designs without writing any custom CSS code.

The description of Instagram clone ui component

The Instagram clone UI component is a replica of the Instagram user interface. It includes all the essential elements of the Instagram app, such as the home feed, profile page, explore page, and more. The Instagram clone UI component is an excellent starting point for building a social media app.

Why use Tailwind CSS to create an Instagram clone UI component?

Tailwind CSS is an excellent choice for building an Instagram clone UI component. Here are some reasons why:

  • Tailwind CSS provides a set of pre-defined CSS classes that you can use to style your HTML elements. This saves you time and effort when building your UI components.
  • Tailwind CSS allows you to create custom styles quickly and easily. You can customize the default styles or create your own styles using Tailwind's utility classes.
  • Tailwind CSS is highly customizable. You can configure the framework to suit your specific needs and preferences.

The preview of Instagram clone UI component

To give you a sneak peek of what the Instagram clone UI component looks like, here's a screenshot of the home feed page:

Free download of the Instagram clone's source code

The source code of Instagram clone UI component

To help you get started, here's the HTML and CSS code for the home feed page of the Instagram clone UI component:

<!-- This is an example component -->
<html lang="en" class="bg-gray-900">

	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=">
	<title>Instagram clone</title>
  	.container {
	max-width: 935px;
    .right .first{
    /* comment out for
      left: 1126px;
<body class="relative bg-gray-200 h-full">
	<nav class="border-b py-3 sticky top-0 bg-white z-50">
		<div class="container mx-auto flex justify-between">
			<div class="logo">
				<h1 class="font-bold text-xl">
					<img src="" alt="">
			<div class="search-bar">
				<input type="text" placeholder="seach" class="border px-1 text-sm bg-gray-200 rounded-sm" />
			<div class="icons flex">
				<div class="home-icon mr-6">
					<svg aria-label="Home" class="_8-yf5 " fill="#262626" height="22" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22">
						<path d="M45.5 48H30.1c-.8 0-1.5-.7-1.5-1.5V34.2c0-2.6-2.1-4.6-4.6-4.6s-4.6 2.1-4.6 4.6v12.3c0 .8-.7 1.5-1.5 1.5H2.5c-.8 0-1.5-.7-1.5-1.5V23c0-.4.2-.8.4-1.1L22.9.4c.6-.6 1.6-.6 2.1 0l21.5 21.5c. 1.1v23.5c.1.8-.6 1.5-1.4 1.5z"></path>
				<div class="like-icon mr-6">
					<svg aria-label="Direct" class="_8-yf5 " fill="#262626" height="22" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22">
						<path d="M47.8 3.8c-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.3-.8h-45C.9 3.1.3 3.5.1 4S0 5.2.4 5.7l15.9 15.6 5.5 22.6c.1.6.6 1 1.2 1.1h.2c.5 0 1-.3 1.3-.7l23.2-39c.4-.4.4-1 .1-1.5zM5.2 6.1h35.5L18 18.7 5.2 6.1zm18.7 33.6l-4.4-18.4L42.4 8.6 23.9 39.7z"></path>
				<div class="dm-icon mr-6">
					<svg aria-label="Find People" class="_8-yf5 " fill="#262626" height="22" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22">
						<path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 0C10.8 0 0 10.8 0 24s10.8 24 24 24 24-10.8 24-24S37.2 0 24 0zm0 45C12.4 45 3 35.6 3 24S12.4 3 24 3s21 9.4 21 21-9.4 21-21 21zm10.2-33.2l-14.8 7c-.3.1-.6.4-.7.7l-7 14.8c-.3.6-.2 1.3.3 0 .4 0 .6-.1l14.8-7c.3-.1.6-.4.7-.7l7-14.8c.3-.6.2-1.3-.3-1.7-.4-.5-1.1-.6-1.7-.3zm-7.4 15l-5.5-5.5 10.5-5-5 10.5z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path>
				<div class="compas-icon mr-6">
					<svg aria-label="Activity Feed" class="_8-yf5 " fill="#262626" height="22" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22">
						<path d="M34.6 6.1c5.7 0 10.4 5.2 10.4 11.5 0 6.8-5.9 11-11.5 16S25 41.3 24 41.9c-1.1-.7-4.7-4-9.5-8.3-5.7-5-11.5-9.2-11.5-16C3 11.3 7.7 6.1 13.4 6.1c4.2 0 6.5 2 8.1 4.3 1.9 2.6 2.2 3.9 2.5 3.9.3 0 .6-1.3 2.5-3.9 1.6-2.3 3.9-4.3 8.1-4.3m0-3c-4.5 0-7.9 1.8-10.6 5.6-2.7-3.7-6.1-5.5-10.6-5.5C6 3.1 0 9.6 0 17.6c0 7.3 5.4 12 10.6 1.3 1.1 1.9 1.7l2.3 2c4.4 3.9 6.6 5.9 7.6 1.1.5 0 1.1-.2 1.6-.5 1-.6 2.8-2.2 7.8-6.8l2-1.8c.7-.6 1.3-1.2 2-1.7C42.7 29.6 48 25 48 17.6c0-8-6-14.5-13.4-14.5z"></path>
				<div class="profile-icon">
					<img alt="u__graphics's profile picture" width="22px" height="22px" class="_6q-tv" data-testid="user-avatar" draggable="false" src=";_nc_ohc=RLYRR3IenIMAX-3KydC&amp;oh=23629c61452b7e40fcc30b2658f4a74a&amp;oe=5F96310F&amp;ig_cache_key=YW5vbnltb3VzX3Byb2ZpbGVfcGlj.2">
	<div class="page-content pt-6 h-full">
		<div class="container mx-auto flex h-full">
			<div class="left w-8/12 pr-4">
				<div class="stories bg-white p-5 rounded border border-gray-400 flex mb-6">
					<div class="storie-item flex flex-col mr-6">
						<div class="rounded-full p-1 bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-400 via-pink-500 to-red-500">
							<div class="rounded-full bg-white wrapper overflow-hidden h-16 w-16">
								<img src="" class="-full h-full object-contain p-2" alt="">
						<div class="user-name text-center pt-1">
							<span class="text-gray-700 text-sm">
					<div class="storie-item flex flex-col mr-6">
						<div class="rounded-full p-1 bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-400 via-pink-500 to-red-500">
							<div class="rounded-full bg-white wrapper overflow-hidden h-16 w-16">
								<img src="" class="-full h-full object-contain p-2" alt="">
						<div class="user-name text-center pt-1">
							<span class="text-gray-700 text-sm">
				<div class="feeds">
					<div class="feed-wrapper mb-4">
						<div class="feed-item border border-gray-400 rounded bg-white">
							<div class="header border-b p-4 flex justify-between items-center">
								<div class="left flex flex-row items-center">
									<div class="user-img h-10 w-10 border rounded-full overflow-hidden mr-4">
										<img alt="nike's profile picture" class="_6q-tv" data-testid="user-avatar" draggable="false" src="">
									<div class="user-name-and-place flex flex-col">
										<span class="text-sm font-bold">apple</span>
										<span class="text-xs font-light text-gray-900">Chiapas, Mexico</span>
								<div class="right">
									<svg aria-label="More options" class="_8-yf5 " fill="#262626" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="16">
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										<circle clip-rule="evenodd" cx="24" cy="24" fill-rule="evenodd" r="4.5"></circle>
										<circle clip-rule="evenodd" cx="40" cy="24" fill-rule="evenodd" r="4.5"></circle>
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													<path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M47.5 46.1l-2.8-11c1.8-3.3 2.8-7.1 2.8-11.1C47.5 11 37 .5 24 .5S.5 11 .5 24 11 47.5 24 47.5c4 0 7.8-1 11.1-2.8l11 2.8c.8.2 1.6-.6 1.4-1.4zm-3-22.1c0 4-1 7-2.6 10-.2.4-.3.9-.2 1.4l2.1 8.4-8.3-2.1c-.5-.1-1-.1-1.4.2-1.8 1-5.2 2.6-10 2.6-11.4 0-20.6-9.2-20.6-20.5S12.7 3.5 24 3.5 44.5 12.7 44.5 24z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path>
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				<div class="first fixed pl-4 w-full" style="top:85px;  max-width: 293px;">
					<div class="profile flex items-center p-3 mb-4">
						<div class="avatar rounded-full overflow-hidden mr-3">
							<img width="56px" height="56px" src="" alt="">
						<div class="user-name ">
							<span class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-700">u__graphics</span>
							<span class="text-sm text-gray-600  block">Ugraphics</span>
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								<h1 class="font-bold">Suggestions For You</h1>
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									<img alt="shinzoabe's profile picture" class="_6q-tv" data-testid="user-avatar" draggable="false" src=";_nc_ohc=qheOj6mJM98AX83my9F&amp;oh=8a8985205ad5a19ae0905a3c3a77906b&amp;oe=5F93F87C">
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									<img alt="nike's profile picture" class="_6q-tv" data-testid="user-avatar" draggable="false" src=";_nc_ohc=f5mhOmP7WT0AX9kw3Eh&amp;oh=fd2a3ba71bee8608cda04d04196746b8&amp;oe=5F94C3CE">
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									<span class="text-sm font-semibold">nike</span>
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How to create an Instagram clone with Tailwind CSS?

Now that you have an idea of what the Instagram clone UI component looks like and what the source code is, let's dive into the steps to create an Instagram clone with Tailwind CSS.

Step 1: Set up your development environment

Before you start building your Instagram clone, you need to set up your development environment. You'll need a code editor, a web browser, and a local server.

Step 2: Create the HTML structure

The first step in building your Instagram clone is to create the HTML structure. You'll need to create the main layout of the app, including the header, footer, and content area.

Step 3: Style the UI with Tailwind CSS

Once you have the HTML structure in place, it's time to style the UI with Tailwind CSS. You can use Tailwind's pre-defined classes to style your UI components or create your own custom styles.

Step 4: Add interactivity with JavaScript

To make your Instagram clone more interactive, you'll need to add some JavaScript code. You can use JavaScript to handle user interactions, such as clicking on a button or scrolling through the feed.

Step 5: Test and deploy your app

Once you've built your Instagram clone, it's time to test it and deploy it to a web server. You can use a local server for testing or deploy it to a cloud hosting service.


In conclusion, building an Instagram clone with Tailwind CSS is a fun and rewarding experience. With Tailwind CSS, you can quickly create custom user interfaces that look great and are easy to use. We hope this ultimate guide has helped you get started on building your own Instagram clone. Happy coding!