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What You Need To Create A 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS With Tailwind CSS


404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to quickly and easily create custom designs without having to write custom CSS. Tailwind CSS provides a set of pre-defined CSS classes that can be used to create any design without writing a single line of custom CSS.

The description of 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component

A 404 error page is a page that is displayed when a user tries to access a page on a website that does not exist. A well-designed 404 error page can help users navigate back to the website and improve the user experience.

The 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component is a pre-designed UI component that can be used to create a custom 404 error page using Tailwind CSS. The component includes all the necessary HTML and CSS code to create a beautiful and functional 404 error page.

Why use Tailwind CSS to create a 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component?

Tailwind CSS provides a set of pre-defined CSS classes that can be used to create any design without writing a single line of custom CSS. This makes it easy for developers to create custom designs quickly and easily.

Tailwind CSS also provides a responsive design system that allows developers to create designs that work on any device. This is important for a 404 error page, as it needs to be accessible on any device.

The preview of 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component.

To create a 404 error page using Tailwind CSS, you can use the pre-designed 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component. This component includes all the necessary HTML and CSS code to create a beautiful and functional 404 error page.

Free download of the 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS's source code

The source code of 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component.

To create a 404 error page using Tailwind CSS, you can use the pre-designed 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component. This component includes all the necessary HTML and CSS code to create a beautiful and functional 404 error page.

  class="error-bg flex min-h-screen items-center justify-center  bg-indigo-500 bg-cover bg-fixed bg-bottom"
  style="background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 1600 900'%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23f0b608' points='957 450 539 900 1396 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e6d710' points='957 450 872.9 900 1396 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e7af05' points='-60 900 398 662 816 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e7d808' points='337 900 398 662 816 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23d8a408' points='1203 546 1552 900 876 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23f1e213' points='1203 546 1552 900 1162 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23f0b607' points='641 695 886 900 367 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e4d506' points='587 900 641 695 886 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23eab822' points='1710 900 1401 632 1096 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e8da14' points='1710 900 1401 632 1365 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e8b008' points='1210 900 971 687 725 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23edde14' points='943 900 1210 900 971 687'/%3E%3C/svg%3E);"
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-8 offset-sm-2 -mt-52 text-center text-gray-50">
        <div class="relative ">
          <h1 class="tracking-tighter-less text-shadow relative font-sans text-9xl font-bold">
          <span class="absolute  top-0   -ml-12  font-semibold text-gray-300">Oops!</span>
        <h5 class="-mr-10 -mt-3 font-semibold text-gray-300">Page not found</h5>
        <p class="mt-2 mb-6 text-gray-100">
          we are sorry, but the page you requested was not found
          class="rounded-full  bg-green-400 px-5 py-3 text-sm font-medium tracking-wider text-gray-50 shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg"
          Got to Home

  .error-bg {
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 1600 900'%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23f0b608' points='957 450 539 900 1396 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e6d710' points='957 450 872.9 900 1396 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e7af05' points='-60 900 398 662 816 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e7d808' points='337 900 398 662 816 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23d8a408' points='1203 546 1552 900 876 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23f1e213' points='1203 546 1552 900 1162 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23f0b607' points='641 695 886 900 367 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e4d506' points='587 900 641 695 886 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23eab822' points='1710 900 1401 632 1096 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e8da14' points='1710 900 1401 632 1365 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23e8b008' points='1210 900 971 687 725 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23edde14' points='943 900 1210 900 971 687'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
  .tracking-tighter-less {
    letter-spacing: -0.75rem;
  .text-shadow {
    text-shadow: -8px 0 0 rgb(102 123 242);

How to create a 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS with Tailwind CSS?

To create a 404 error page using Tailwind CSS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component from the Tailwind CSS website.
  2. Open the HTML file in your text editor.
  3. Replace the placeholder text with your own content.
  4. Customize the design using Tailwind CSS classes.
  5. Save the file and upload it to your website.


Creating a 404 error page is an important part of website design. A well-designed 404 error page can help users navigate back to the website and improve the user experience.

Tailwind CSS provides a set of pre-defined CSS classes that can be used to create any design without writing a single line of custom CSS. This makes it easy for developers to create custom designs quickly and easily.

By using the pre-designed 404 Error Page Design In Tailwind CSS ui component, developers can create a beautiful and functional 404 error page in minutes.