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3 Things You Must Know To Build A School themed landing page With Tailwind CSS

School themed landing page

If you are looking to create a School themed landing page, then Tailwind CSS is the perfect choice for you. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined classes to help you build responsive and customizable user interfaces quickly. In this article, we will discuss three things you must know to build a School themed landing page with Tailwind CSS.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined classes to help you build responsive and customizable user interfaces quickly. It is designed to be highly customizable and allows you to create your own design system by defining your own utility classes.

The description of School themed landing page ui component

A School themed landing page ui component is a user interface component that is designed to showcase a school or educational institution. It typically includes information about the school, such as its history, programs, and faculty, as well as images and videos that showcase the school's facilities and activities.

Why use Tailwind CSS to create a School themed landing page ui component?

Tailwind CSS is the perfect choice for creating a School themed landing page ui component because it provides a set of pre-defined classes that can be used to quickly and easily create responsive and customizable user interfaces. It also allows you to create your own design system by defining your own utility classes, which can be used to create a consistent look and feel across your entire website.

The preview of School themed landing page ui component

To create a School themed landing page ui component with Tailwind CSS, you can use the following classes:

  • bg-gray-100: Sets the background color of the component to gray.
  • text-gray-900: Sets the text color of the component to black.
  • font-bold: Makes the text bold.
  • text-xl: Sets the font size to extra large.
  • p-4: Adds padding to the component.
  • flex: Sets the display property to flex.
  • flex-wrap: Allows the content to wrap when it reaches the edge of the component.
  • justify-center: Centers the content horizontally.
  • items-center: Centers the content vertically.

Free download of the School themed landing page's source code

The source code of School themed landing page ui component

To create a School themed landing page ui component with Tailwind CSS, you can use the following HTML and CSS code:

<div class="bg-gray-100 text-gray-900 font-bold text-xl p-4">
  <h1>Welcome to Our School</h1>
  <p>Learn from the best teachers in the industry.</p>
  <button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
    Apply Now
.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
<link href="|Roboto+Slab|Source+Sans+Pro&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

<div class="bg-indigo-900 relative overflow-hidden">
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                    <a class="text-sm uppercase mx-3 text-white cursor-pointer hover:text-indigo-600">Calendar</a>
                    <a class="text-sm uppercase mx-3 text-white cursor-pointer hover:text-indigo-600">Contact us</a>

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                <a class="font-mitr text-sm uppercase text-gray-200 py-2 px-2 hover:bg-indigo-500">About us</a>
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                <a class="font-mitr text-sm uppercase text-gray-200 py-2 px-2 hover:bg-indigo-500">Contact us</a>

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            <span class="font-mitr uppercase text-indigo-500">Lorem ipsum</span>

            <h1 class="font-roboto-slab text-4xl sm:text-6xl text-red-400 leading-tight mt-4">Let's go <br> back to school</h1>

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                <p class="font-source-sans-pro text-indigo-500 mt-6 text-lg">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit tincidunt cras sociis, parturient enim montes.</p>

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0 00.29.92c-1.91 1-3 2-2.87 2.45s1.71.49 4 0a66.76 66.76 0 008.91-2.56 65.14 65.14 0 008.28-3.53c2.24-1.17 3.54-2.17 3.35-2.7s-1.62-.51-3.91-.07a7.46 7.46 0 00-.35-.89c5.49-1.31 9.27-1.61 9.65-.53z"/><path fill="#edcf8e" d="M355.59 130.92c.41 1.13-3.17 3.51-8.73 6-2.3 1-4.94 2.1-7.77 3.11s-5.74 1.92-8.24 2.57c-5.77 1.51-9.93 1.9-10.32.78s2.73-3.21 7.69-5.54c. 1.06-3 1.94-2.81 2.42s1.71.49 4 0a63.87 63.87 0 008.91-2.56 66.75 66.75 0 008.28-3.52c2.24-1.18 3.54-2.18 3.35-2.71s-1.68-.49-4 0c-.12-.3-.25-.59-.4-.88 5.53-1.36 9.41-1.68 9.79-.61z"/><path fill="#f5e5c2" d="M352.11 130.58c1.34 0 3.21-.35 3.13.67s-5.24 4.49-17.24 8.88c0 0 11.56-5.11 14.09-6.88s2.5-2.35.02-2.67z"/><path fill="#f4e7b1" d="M324.83 139.85c-1.09.73-3.88 2.42-3.89 3.26s4.73.47 6.18.07c0 0-4.16.44-5.11-.31-.71-.57 2.82-3.02 2.82-3.02z"/><path fill="#ecd26a" d="M328.2 138.58a19.89 19.89 0 00-2.18 1.33c-1 .71-2.12 1.59-1.45 2.06s2.16.41 4.81-.07 6.76-1.63 6.76-1.63-5.8 1.92-8.31 2.36-4.45.29-4.7-.37c-.3-.82 2.42-2.78 5-3.92z"/><path fill="#7e9acc" d="M483.7 148.15a7.1 7.1 0 11-8.57-5.22 7.1 7.1 0 018.57 5.22z"/><g fill="#d3e8f7" opacity=".5"><path d="M475 145.87c-.5-.57-1.33-1.42-2-2.07a7.25 7.25 0 00-1.08.81c1.15 1 2.25 2 2.56 2.33s1.52-.04.52-1.07zM483 153.28c-1.45-.85-4.14-2.44-5.28-3.18-1.61-1-2.84-.78-3.32-1.19s-2.24-2.21-3.34-3.24a7.15 7.15 0 00-.44.68c.88 1 2.3 2.53 2.61 1.16-.27.67-.34-.31-1.82-1.46-2.88-2.29a7.42 7.42 0 00-.33 1.5c1.59 1.43 3.54 2.77 4.14 2.83s1.4-1.22 2.22-.77c.61.34 4.09 2.54 5.8 3.61a6.78 6.78 0 001.09-1.46zM478.48 156.72a7.2 7.2 0 002.4-1.09c-1.38-.75-3.57-1.91-4.2-2.12-.93-.33-.83 1.31-1.58 1.35s-2.88-1.47-5.2-3.43v.07a7.1 7.1 0 008.58 5.22zM478.09 142.85c. 1 1.36 1.1.9 2 1.48 2.37 1.87s-.65.54-.12 1.18a14.76 14.76 0 002.49 1.79c0-.3-.09-.6-.16-.9a7.09 7.09 0 00-5.58-5.3zM478 146.94c-.46-.67.26-1.39-.28-2.17a23.91 23.91 0 00-1.74-2 6.67 6.67 0 00-1.64.4 23.8 23.8 0 012.12 2.59c.28.54-.58 1.42-.17 1.73s5.54 3.63 7.24 4.73a7.16 7.16 0 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00-28.59-65.28 40.12 40.12 0 00-5.63.4 40 40 0 00-69.66-35.4A26.71 26.71 0 0015.34 169c0-.49.05-1 .05-1.45A45.51 45.51 0 00-30.13 122a45.35 45.35 0 00-20.78 5 26.93 26.93 0 002.06-10.3A26.79 26.79 0 00-75.63 90a26.37 26.37 0 00-13.09 3.43v301.82h449.83z" style="mix-blend-mode:lighten"/></g><g opacity=".2"><path fill="#58448b" d="M529.35 386.08a16.8 16.8 0 0123.07-4.33v-.59a38.55 38.55 0 0158.51-33A26.74 26.74 0 01656.34 336a16.77 16.77 0 0111.1-4.45 37.76 37.76 0 0156.86-44.81 26.7 26.7 0 0113.06-9.39 38.9 38.9 0 0134.22-64.87 40 40 0 0169.66-35.41 26.71 26.71 0 0133.88-7.58v-1.45a45.52 45.52 0 0166.3-40.48 26.78 26.78 0 0124.67-37.06 26.37 26.37 0 0113.09 3.43v301.86H529.35z"/><path fill="#48376d" d="M567.43 395.79h66.4a15.7 15.7 0 10-28.31-9.73 22.8 22.8 0 00-38.09 9.73zM651.46 374.29a5.74 5.74 0 10-5.74 5.74 5.74 5.74 0 005.74-5.74z"/><circle cx="643.66" cy="311.51" r="5.55" fill="#58448b"/><path fill="#ad6475" d="M618.33 354a38.58 38.58 0 00-7.41-5.85 26.76 26.76 0 0126-20.5 27.05 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How to create a School themed landing page with Tailwind CSS?

To create a School themed landing page with Tailwind CSS, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new HTML file and add the necessary HTML boilerplate code.
  2. Add the Tailwind CSS stylesheet to your HTML file by including the following code in the head section:
<link href="[email protected]/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
  1. Create a new div element with the container class to contain your School themed landing page ui component.
  2. Add the necessary HTML code for your School themed landing page ui component inside the container div element.
  3. Add the necessary CSS code to style your School themed landing page ui component.


In conclusion, Tailwind CSS is a great choice for creating a School themed landing page ui component. It provides a set of pre-defined classes that can be used to quickly and easily create responsive and customizable user interfaces. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a School themed landing page with Tailwind CSS in no time.