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Most Effective Ways To Build A Cards Blog With Tailwind CSS

Cards Blog

As a FrontEnd technology blogger, it's important to keep up with the latest trends and tools in the industry. One of the most popular tools for building user interfaces is Tailwind CSS. In this article, we will explore the most effective ways to build a Cards Blog with Tailwind CSS.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to quickly build custom user interfaces. It provides a set of pre-defined classes that can be used to style HTML elements. With Tailwind CSS, developers can create responsive and mobile-first designs without writing any custom CSS.

The description of Cards Blog ui component

A Cards Blog is a user interface component that displays a collection of blog posts in a grid layout. Each blog post is represented by a card that contains a title, image, and summary. The Cards Blog component is commonly used on blog homepages and archive pages.

Why use Tailwind CSS to create a Cards Blog ui component?

Tailwind CSS is an ideal tool for creating a Cards Blog ui component for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: Tailwind CSS provides a set of pre-defined classes that can be used to style HTML elements. This makes it easy to create a Cards Blog ui component without writing any custom CSS.

  • Flexibility: Tailwind CSS provides a wide range of utility classes that can be used to customize the appearance of the Cards Blog ui component. This allows developers to create a unique design that matches their brand or website.

  • Responsiveness: Tailwind CSS provides a set of responsive utility classes that can be used to create a mobile-first design. This ensures that the Cards Blog ui component looks great on all devices.

The preview of Cards Blog ui component

Free download of the Cards Blog's source code

The source code of Cards Blog ui component

<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <script src=""></script>
<div class="min-h-screen">
  <p class="text-center text-4xl font-semibold py-4">Tailwind CSS</p>
  <div class="p-4 gap-4 grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 select-none">
    <div class="w-full cursor-pointer rounded-md shadow-md shadow-gray-200 hover:shadow-blue-400/80 hover:shadow-2xl hover:bg-gray-50">
      <img class="aspect-video bg-cover w-full rounded-t-md min-h-40" src="" />
      <div class="p-4">
        <span class="text-blue-600 font-normal text-base">News</span>
        <p class="font-semibold text-xl py-2">Tailwind Card Blog</p>
        <p class="font-light text-gray-700 text-justify line-clamp-3">The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.</p>
        <div class="flex flex-wrap mt-10 space-x-4 align-bottom">
          <img class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" />
          <div class="flex flex-col space-y-0">
            <p class="font-semibold text-base">@djpfs (Github)</p>
            <p class="font-light text-sm">20 de Dezembro de 2021</p>
    <div class="w-full cursor-pointer rounded-md shadow-md shadow-gray-200 hover:shadow-blue-400/80 hover:shadow-2xl hover:bg-gray-50">
      <img class="aspect-video bg-cover w-full rounded-t-md min-h-40" src="" />
      <div class="p-4">
        <span class="text-blue-600 font-normal text-base">News</span>
        <p class="font-semibold text-xl py-2">Tailwind Card Blog</p>
        <p class="font-light text-gray-700 text-justify line-clamp-3">The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.</p>
        <div class="flex flex-wrap mt-10 space-x-4 align-bottom">
          <img class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" />
          <div class="flex flex-col space-y-0">
            <p class="font-semibold text-base">@djpfs (Github)</p>
            <p class="font-light text-sm">20 de Dezembro de 2021</p>

    <div class="w-full cursor-pointer rounded-md shadow-md shadow-gray-200 hover:shadow-blue-400/80 hover:shadow-2xl hover:bg-gray-50">
      <img class="aspect-video bg-cover w-full rounded-t-md min-h-40" src="" />
      <div class="p-4">
        <span class="text-blue-600 font-normal text-base">News</span>
        <p class="font-semibold text-xl py-2">Tailwind Card Blog</p>
        <p class="font-light text-gray-700 text-justify line-clamp-3">The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.</p>
        <div class="flex flex-wrap mt-10 space-x-4 align-bottom">
          <img class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" />
          <div class="flex flex-col space-y-0">
            <p class="font-semibold text-base">@djpfs (Github)</p>
            <p class="font-light text-sm">20 de Dezembro de 2021</p>
    <div class="w-full cursor-pointer rounded-md shadow-md shadow-gray-200 hover:shadow-blue-400/80 hover:shadow-2xl hover:bg-gray-50">
      <img class="aspect-video bg-cover w-full rounded-t-md min-h-40" src="" />
      <div class="p-4">
        <span class="text-blue-600 font-normal text-base">News</span>
        <p class="font-semibold text-xl py-2">Tailwind Card Blog</p>
        <p class="font-light text-gray-700 text-justify line-clamp-3">The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.</p>
        <div class="flex flex-wrap mt-10 space-x-4 align-bottom">
          <img class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" />
          <div class="flex flex-col space-y-0">
            <p class="font-semibold text-base">@djpfs (Github)</p>
            <p class="font-light text-sm">20 de Dezembro de 2021</p>
    <div class="w-full cursor-pointer rounded-md shadow-md shadow-gray-200 hover:shadow-blue-400/80 hover:shadow-2xl hover:bg-gray-50">
      <img class="aspect-video bg-cover w-full rounded-t-md min-h-40" src="" />
      <div class="p-4">
        <span class="text-blue-600 font-normal text-base">News</span>
        <p class="font-semibold text-xl py-2">Tailwind Card Blog</p>
        <p class="font-light text-gray-700 text-justify line-clamp-3">The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.</p>
        <div class="flex flex-wrap mt-10 space-x-4 align-bottom">
          <img class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" />
          <div class="flex flex-col space-y-0">
            <p class="font-semibold text-base">@djpfs (Github)</p>
            <p class="font-light text-sm">20 de Dezembro de 2021</p>

How to create a Cards Blog with Tailwind CSS?

To create a Cards Blog with Tailwind CSS, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your project: Create a new HTML file and link to the Tailwind CSS stylesheet in the head section.
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/tailwind.min.css">
  1. Create the HTML structure: Create a container element for the Cards Blog ui component. Inside the container, create a grid layout using the grid and grid-cols classes.
<div class="container mx-auto">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
    <!-- Cards Blog posts will go here -->
  1. Create the card elements: Inside the grid layout, create a card element for each blog post. Use the bg-white, shadow-md, and rounded-lg classes to style the card.
<div class="bg-white shadow-md rounded-lg">
  <!-- Card content will go here -->
  1. Add the blog post content: Inside each card element, add the blog post title, image, and summary. Use the text-lg, font-bold, text-gray-800, and mb-2 classes to style the title. Use the w-full and h-48 classes to set the image size.
<div class="bg-white shadow-md rounded-lg">
  <img src="blog-post-image.jpg" alt="Blog Post Image" class="w-full h-48 object-cover">
  <div class="p-4">
    <h2 class="text-lg font-bold text-gray-800 mb-2">Blog Post Title</h2>
    <p class="text-gray-600">Blog post summary goes here.</p>
  1. Customize the appearance: Use the Tailwind CSS utility classes to customize the appearance of the Cards Blog ui component. For example, use the hover:shadow-lg class to add a shadow effect when the user hovers over a card.
<div class="bg-white shadow-md rounded-lg hover:shadow-lg">
  <img src="blog-post-image.jpg" alt="Blog Post Image" class="w-full h-48 object-cover">
  <div class="p-4">
    <h2 class="text-lg font-bold text-gray-800 mb-2">Blog Post Title</h2>
    <p class="text-gray-600">Blog post summary goes here.</p>


In conclusion, Tailwind CSS is a powerful tool for building user interfaces, including Cards Blog ui components. With its pre-defined classes and responsive design, developers can quickly create a custom Cards Blog that looks great on all devices. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a Cards Blog with Tailwind CSS in no time.